Friday, February 25, 2011

Wow I actually bought Minecraft

For the first time ever, I bought a game following a month or two of playing a naughty version of it. I just need to find a good multi-player server now :)


  1. Should totally build something together if i can get a server working. I'm so lazy. So far I've built a partial bridge.....

  2. I love building in this game, in fact I use Invedit now, it's basically a hack to allows you to put anything into your inventory. I did this after I died 3 times in a night mining near lava >.>

    Screw mining, I'd rather spend my time building towers and railways lol

  3. LOL did you also discover the Peaceful setting?
    Who doesn't love creepers, really.

  4. I am a manly Minecraft player, no peaceful setting for me!
